So it's been awhile since I've posted anything on here, but I thought maybe I should get back into it. Especially with the year I've had. I started a new job as a Middle School Librarian in a brand new building. My library space is absolutely amazing!!! However the shelves were completely empty the day I started. I had to build the collection from scratch, oh and did I mention my very limited budget? So with no books and no money I had to get creative. I took donated books from who ever would give them to me, I used some scholastic book credits, and I used all the money I had to order about 2,000 books from Follett. But the best thing I did was get involved in the Library of Congress Surplus Books Program. So far this year I have gone down to D.C. twice and received free books from the Library of Congress. All together I have probably aquired 1500 books through this program. And now I am proud to say I have almost 7,000 books catalogued and shelved in my library. Looking back now it's hard to believe I've accomplished that in just a few short months, and I have to say I'm pretty proud of my self. My goal was to reach 5,000 by the end of this year and 10,000 by the end of next year. Which I now hope will be easily (compared to this year) accomplished.
Now with the end of the school year in sight I am definitely anxious for Summer, but at the same time looking forward to starting my second year in this wonderful new library (now that it has books in it) next September.